Hi to all Newton fans,
first thxxx to mention us at newtontalk! really ;-)
And some background infos.
When we sell an G3 for 300 Euro, we have to give straight forward 50.-
Euros to the Government (tax), when you buy it from a private person
you donīt have to pay this. Also the seller (we only get a commission)
wants some value for his machine. Our job is to clean the machine from
dust, format the drive, install a system, test the CD, HD, all ports,
fans, etc, that costs "some" time.
And we have to give a warranty for a minimum of 6 months, so when the
mainboard dies, we would have to invest some 150.- Euro, although the
parts aren't available from Apple any more.
All this brings this used machines to a high price-level, but also to a
high quality level.
For buyers outside the EU we can sell without tax, that would make it
cheaper, also when you donīt need warranty (for example pens,
battery-holders, etc) we can offer better prices.
And last but not least we want to support all Newton fans, so mention
this mail and you get 15% discount on all newton products.
greetings, Your MacFundgrube.at
MacFundgrube.at - used Mac-Shop
E-mail: info@macfundgrube.at
Internet-Shop: http://www.macfundgrube.at
Tel: 0699/884 574 86
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Wed Apr 26 18:43:11 2006
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