As the third part of my trilogy of Newton projects (the first being
the fast date and time setter that Sonny got earlier and the second
that only one other person knows about but is big, BIG I TELL YOU) I
would like to propose a group project...
The US government has taken it upon themselves to change the dates
for daylight saving time. The Canadian government, being great huge
suckups, have decided to go along with the plan.
Now, while I won't be able to do anything about my VCR, and Microsoft
will have to send a patch (!!!) to fix my Windoze boxes, it is up to
us to adjust the Newtons.
SO, first, I haven't been able to find the system soup entries that
configure the DST rules. Does anyone know if there is a quick and
dirty way of adjusting the DST rules?
If there is no QnD way, who's interested in helping out to put
together a small app to do it? Anybody? Lurkers?
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