Hello Joost, et al,
How very courageous of you to jump on this dead horse and beat it with all
your might.
That must have taken some guts on your part, but after all, a good fifteen
people went ahead of you, so it must be safe for you to now dip your toes in the
water. I'm happy that you saved your own once-in-a-blue-moon posting for
something truly important!
I thought we were finished discussing this? I thought I had offered some
closure from my end? I guess you could not be bothered with actually reading an
entire thread. THAT would be almost like having to work to learn something!
Here, let me beat that dead horse one more time -- wouldn't want it to get up
on its hind legs and kick again. It's amazing how some folks feel threatened
when they're jolted from their passive, semi-vegetative state. I guess it
hurts some people to have a thought-provoking conversation once in a while (Though
I admit that conversation DID jump out and startled the status quo a bit)?
Really, I'm a bit proud that one of my postings was controversial and
provocative enough to span two month's postings! I don't think ole' Steve ever managed
that! :O)
I don't recall ever suggesting that anybody be banned from Newtontalk. I
believe I suggested that we develop some process through which we could encourage
ALL to make some sort of contribution, in accordance with their own
capabilities. I thought that, rather than being like a flock of birds flying in
twenty-seven hundred different directions, we should perhaps find ways to all work as
a team to maybe pursue, oh, I don't know, maybe twenty-seven objectives.
Think of what might be gained. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp? It's
really sad that some people feel threatened by this idea.
What's wrong with expecting EVERYBODY to kick in once in a while, or even
ONCE? The answer is nothing. If you don't ever kick in, you rob the Community of
potential advancement and ultimately hurt your own Newton experience. There
are discoveries yet to be made, as our benafactor Adriano (If I may cite him as
an excellent, positive example) has proven many times over by tinkering with
the Newton's hardware.
Alright then, you say, what can I do? The answer is something. Anything. If
you're in college or high school, convert one of your more interesting term
papers or book reports into a Newton eBook and share it with the Community.
Graphic designers, we could sure use some new art libraries for AvailWorks. Writers
and researchers, we still need folks to search out obscure software designers
and see if they will release some of their material as shareware or freeware.
We also can use folks to investigate the potential for adding features to
some existing software titles. Tinkerers with a spare Newton, start
experimenting. The list goes on and on...
I really feel that we should close the door on this complacency topic, if
there are no more latecomers to the party who feel they have to try and kick me
in the shins...
Look for my next exciting new, must-read Newton eBook very soon. It will be
one that you won't want to miss. And don't forget to look for my next posting
on this list soon. I promise it won't be the same old rehashed thing served up
on a shingle.
This is Matt K, from Detroit, the decaying industrial center of the western
world, signing off...
[No curse words were used in the making of this posting. Some settling of
contents may have occurred during shipment and handling. Void where prohibited.]
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