It's also worth pointing out that the esteemed Frank Gruendel (Newton
repairer extraordinaire, Order of the Green Screen etc) (fg2 at
pda-soft dot de) and myself (russbravo at lineone dot net) still have
20mb cards available for Newtontalk users at very good prices, and
reasonable postage worldwide.
Frank's in Germany and I'm in the UK. Frank may well chime in shortly
(cue FG ... put that whisky away, man!)
Contact us for details!
Russ, UK
NB I'm having a clearout of Newton items, including
books/software/hardware, so stay tuned. And let me know if there's
anything particular you're after. I might have it in a drawer somewhere
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: on Mon Aug 7 07:47:22 2006
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