Re: [NTLK] Failing Transfers

From: <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 18:59:24 EDT

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Dekaritae wrote:

> Adriano wrote:

> Ok. I've got a MessagePad 2100, connected to my computer with the Newton
> serial cable on COM1 (not a dongle). Specs are an AMD 2800+ with 2GB
> memory, running Windows XP SP2. I've already tried messing around with
> the bit rate, flow control and FIFO settings for the port, but I haven't
> found a combination that works.

   Hi. I've done this on the mac side. I don't know how well the sync
software works under windows, but I expect it is better than under MacOS
since windows has better backward compatability than OS 9 to OS X. Anyway,
that's just a guess.

   Anyway, what you want is: 38.4 kbps (2100 defaults to this), 1 stop
bit, no parity. It will also have to be a null modem (crossover) cable. If
you try these settings and get nowhere, go pick up a db9 null modem
adapter and try again.

    You might want to install the fastserial package once the connection
is up and running, unless you plan to go TCP/IP or bluetooth.

Let us know the outcome!

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Received on Fri Aug 18 19:28:15 2006

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