Re: [NTLK] OSX connectivity to MP 130 with Keyspan

From: Domi <>
Date: Sun Aug 20 2006 - 03:38:48 EDT

Peter Brewer <> wrote:

> Today I dusted off my MP 130 and thought I'd try to get it connected
> to my iBook G4. I downloaded the OSX driver for the Keyspan USA-28X,
> downloaded Escale OSX, hooked up the cable, and could not for the
> life of me make a connection.

Hello! here also is a MP130 :-)

Syncing with:
-- on the Newton: NewtSync, Newton package
-- on the G5 iMac: NewtSync ;-) Mac application
-- between the two: the original Newton serial cable + an adapter found
in an electronics store (Conrad, in France and other countries)
-- if you don't have the original Keyspan adapter, the Keyspan doesn't
word (at least here); so I found a driver from Prolific, which works

(from the doc)
 search for: Prolific USB to Serial Cable driver for Mac OS X
Kernel extension filename: ProlificUsbSerial.kext
Device base name: usbserial
Device descriptions: USB-Serial Controller

Newtonian salute :-)

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Received on Sun Aug 20 03:38:56 2006

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