Using this route might it be possible to have Mac-On-a Stick (love the
name!) in one USB port on a MacBook and a Keyspan USB/serial cable on
the other and transfer/keep programs and files on the MacBook? And keep
using my eMate/Mac combo without Classic?
On 20 Aug 2006, at 22:59, Karel Jansens wrote:
> I stumbled upon this interesting project:
> which might be of interest for those who don't have a classic Mac
> and/or
> don't want to go through the hassle of installing basilisk.
> The emultor only does Appletalk via the serial port, but I figured that
> might actually a plus for Newtoneers.
> I haven't tried it out myself yet, but it could be cool to have such a
> stick loaded with NCU near your Newton, so that any reasonably modern
> Windows machine in its vicinity might become an adhoc Newton syching
> station.
> Also, it's a nice trip down memory lane... :)
> Karel Jansens
> PS: Check out the port to Windows Mobile 2003!
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