I'm in a conundrum as to what to do....
I enrolled in an Electrical Engineering program at the state votech
college and need to run AutoCAD, its been painfully slow under
VirtualPC and Win98 so I have been strongly considering buying a
MacBook, maybe even a Pro. Also the school is giving me grief for
wanting to hook up a Mac to the state's network. They cant 'control'
it with ZEN and their AV tools. Id prefer to wait till spring when
all the new models come out but I dont think I can hold out.
So my question is... Which of my two PB's do I keep? Im planning to
convert my Mom to Mac so one of them will go to her. The Pismo is
great as I can still run my OS9 apps natively (NCU anyone?) and the
small size is great for travel vs a 15" MB Pro, however the G4 has
the 17" screen which is really nice and would negate the need for
buying the Pro, for a few years at least. Anyone have any wisdom
they can share?
-Dave Christensen, Seward, Alaska.
UMP2k, 2100, both are sitting, waiting for me to reinstall everything
on a new memory card....
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