On 28. Aug 2006, at 01:32, Clinton Yelvington wrote:
> I just recently started using my MP2100 again and I have installed
> pretty much all of Eckhart's software (that I can use) onto it. If
> I'm reading his page right, IC/VC should add menu options in Names
> and Dates, but try as I might, I can't find anything that will allow
> me to export or import vCards.
The way this is supposed to work is that for sending, there is an
menu item called "OBEX" in the action menu, and when you tap that,
you can chose which transport to use in the routing slip.
For receiving, the menu options should be in the Inbox, behind the
"Receive" button.
> One last thing I wanted to add, and this is for Eckhart. As simple as
> it is, I really like Courier. I've gotten farther with it on the web
> that I have with any other Newton-based Browser. It's not perfect but
> it's a great piece of software and I commend you for getting it to
> work as well as it does. I wish I'd known about it earlier -- I
> would've ditched NetHopper ages ago, as it can't even view my own
> website, which is in XHTML.
Thanks, that's good to hear :)
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