I can't believe how many Michiganders are Newtonians! Welcome Frederick!
Paul Curtis
MP 110/120 v1.3/120 v2.0/130/2100 x 3/NotePhone
www.NewtonMP.com (still coming)
Go Green! Go White! Go Michigan State
East Lansing, MI
-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net] On Behalf Of Matt Howe
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:20 PM
To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Avi's Backdrop Battery Info Question/repair
Depending on where you live in Michigan, perhaps we can get together
somewhere and you could try my battery in your Newton and I could try your
battery in mine. That way you would at least know which was giving you the
problem. We could then work from there.
Matt "Ducky" Howe
-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Frederick Bauman
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:20 AM
To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Subject: [NTLK] Avi's Backdrop Battery Info Question/repair
In the Battery Info window on Avi's does the "Capacity" indicate the top
level available for the rechargeable pack currently installed?
I ask because I am still trying (for more than a year now) figure out what
to do (very limited funds) about my Newton that ALWAYS needs to be plugged
Basically if left untouched the Capacity reads ZERO. If I press really hard
on both sides of the Newton, (essentially squeezing the battery ends toward
each other) it will go up to a reading of thirteen.
So what I am trying to do is find out if it is just a rechargeable battery
pack that has gone bad, or if my Newton needs very expensive work done.
I believe it was Frank more than a year ago that graciously offered to do
some work for me if the Newton needed repaired, but I can't afford to ship
to Germany (I live in Michigan).
Does it *sound* like a bad battery that just needs replaced?
Would it be cheaper to replace the whole unit? I tried to get a repair
estimate based on what I know about the units behavior, but all I got was an
answer that I needed to pay $39 to have it "looked at". :-(
As a side note, I also am curious about the backlight replacements, and
would like to see pictures or hear about experiences with the white
backlight. Specifically about how it looks when the light is off.
Also how much faster does a newton "feel" with the speed boost implant done?
Thanks all!
Sorry for the long post guys.
Fred Bauman
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