On 12/7/06, Ian Johnson <itjohnson@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have two questions, one for me and one for someone else. I'll start
> with mine:
> My MP2000 came with the stock 4 MB Flash card in the lower expansion
> slot, but I can't get it out. Pressing the eject button on the upper
> slot makes it do the normal behavior – popping out so I can press it
> down to eject the card. However, pressing the eject button on my
> lower slot does nothing. I shouldn't have to remove the card for a
> while, but I want to figure this out so I won't have to deal with it
> when I get a bigger card later on. What should I be doing about this?
I suggest you open the rear case and take a look.
This is the easiest want to figure out what's wrong...
If you were nearby I'd take a gander for free.
Contact me off list if interested.
> And the other question. I've been talking to someone who recently
> dusted off an OMP and is trying to get it set up. He's
> downloading .pkg files on the internet, but apparently the downloads
> are going through in text mode and generating useless files. I've
> been able to duplicate this problem - most .pkg downloads work fine,
> but some (like the ones on the Newt's Cape page) come through as text
> files. Is there any way to force a browser into doing binary file
> transfers?
Can you tell us what machine you're using to download the files?
I use a PC normally and a Color Classic or Wallstreet for a Mac... I'm
not had issue but it's been mentioned here previously before... check
the searchable NTLK on MARC for an answer as it's there...
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Thu Dec 7 23:27:54 2006
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