From: Eric Engle (
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 01:41:43 PST
Dozens of wlan cards, strange standards, and several software solutions force me to ask a question:
I have an emate. Frank Gruendel kindly preloaded it with NIE etc. when he did his reconditioning of the hinges. So, I figured, I would just be able to pop in a lucent orinoco gold wlan card.
EMate says "card not recognized".
The card is a lucent technologies toshiba branded wlan. Two numbers: one on the front is pa3064u-1pcc
and on the back
mac addresss 00022d641201
encryption 128RC4
5 v.
16 bit
I'm really hoping the problem is not that it is a 5v card, that there is some software error, that i just need to install a package (what package?)
I am sorry to ask a question that is certainly answerable, ("the truth is out there..."). Can anyone tell me whether this card can work in an emate and, if so, what drivers i must install? The card works fine in my g3 os 9 mac using orinoco drivers (control panels).
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