Wow, immediately after mailing this, I read some more on the
simplemail/mailv website and saw that simple mail does indeed support
pop, and that mail v is the successor to simple mail. Now I feel dumb.
Well, the question about sending a sketch still stands...and the bit
about gmail but I think I know how that's going to go...
thanks again.
On 2/26/06, Geoffery Forest <> wrote:
> I remembered that I have an email address that doesn't require a
> secure login, so I thought I'd give email a shot on the newton. I
> installed Simple Mail first and tried it out and I was able to send
> mail but not could have been my settings. But I noticed
> that the newton referred to the mail program as Mail V, so I figured
> that has taken the place of simple mail??
> So I removed simple and installed Mail V. My outgoing server is a pop3
> server so I installed the pop patch and i can send and receive...yay
> for me!
> My question is what's the difference between the two programs? Can one
> do things that the other can't? I've read through the installation
> procedures for both that describe all the packages and they seem
> pretty similar, but i didn't see anythign about pop support in simple
> mail...
> Part two of my question is this: can I email a note from the newton
> that has a sketch or ink toa computer? I tried it and the email came
> with a attachment, and the file type was .nwt IIRC. Nothing seemed to
> open this type. Can I save the note as some image type and then mail
> it?
> Finally, there is no way to get my gmail on the newt is there? The
> only think I've figured is to have gmail send a copy of every message
> to this other email service. I guess that's not a terrible solution.
> thanks for all the help, i apologize if some of the questions are basic
> -geoff
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