From: Woody Smith (
Date: Sat Jan 21 2006 - 19:08:39 PST
Hi Jon
I believe you! You have read Wikiwikinewt. You have read Frank's site
<> and archives.
Have installed and set up card appropriately.
So I'll see if I can be helpful. My responses are below
On Jan 21, 2006, at 7:29 PM, Jon Scordia wrote:
> Hi list.
> 1. I have a WEP protected airport/OSX wireless network in the house.
> Within clear range are also a neighbour's completely unprotected
> (!!!) wireless network and 2 other password protected ones.
There is a problem with Airport extreme base station, but I seem to
remember that it had to do with Appletalk which is not what you are
So your wavelan turbo bronze cannot do WEP so you need to turn it
off. use a closed network for some security. In your Airport
setup>Network choose Enable Airport to Ethernet Bridging.
> 2. Newton Messagepad 2000 with Newton OS2.1. Suffers form a shortage
> of heap space sometimes and I need to thin out or freeze the
> applications!
This can be fixed $60 or less. JKsalesinc.
> 3. Installed all components of NIE 2.0 in the order they come out of
> the folders.
> 4. Installed 3Comm drivers.
> 5. Installed Farallon Ethernet drivers.
> 6. Installed Hiroshi's drivers version 1.08a (NB, how do we register
> now? His site still states registration is closed!)
This may be a problem, but not currently yours
> 7. Popped in the Lucent WaveLAN Turbo Bronze card I bought some time
> ago on eBay as being 'Newton Compatible'.
it is compatible.
> 8. One light comes on, Lucent Wavelan/IEEE slip opens (hooray!)
> states verison 01.01
> 9. Under setup thru that slip, I have Mode set to infrastructure,
> Channel ignored, and for now WEP switched off. (Doh, I cant remember
> by Apple WEP password!)
you can use Airport Administrator Utility to change or cancel
password. Be sure to name the network.
> 10. Have installed the basic latest Newtscape with no extra option
> packages yet.
> 11. Newtscape opens up, I select a website and a slip opens. I have a
> configuration set up for DHCP server, the Lucent WaveLAN card is
> selected, Domain is set to 'none'.
Check owner card to see if your setup is there.
conform that you are entering the address correctly (http://
> 12. Select a bookmark and the Newton thinks for a while (Newton Icon
> appears once or twice at the top of the screen). No Lucent card
> lights light.
> 13. Then...nothing!
> Apologies again, I'm sure I'm missing something!. Like, how do I
> select a network?
I suspect that this is the problem. When you insert the wavelan card
tap 'setup'
SSID is your Network name.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Regards
> Jon
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