02/giu/06 Paul Guyot wrote:
> There is a list of things we don't need to waste our time on. For
> example, NIE. Please accept that NIE is outdated and that the old MPs
> will never do better than what they currently do, that is internet
> through WiFi, Bluetooth and so on. Rewriting NIE is way too much work
> for little result. NIE backward compatibility in Einstein is already
> underway, and some bits are already available although it's not
> really usable yet.
Einstein is a great project, but i also love the MessagePad as is.
I can't imagine why after nearly 10 years it has been killed by Apple,
people wouldn't love to continue developing on it as is.
Apart from that, would you gently spend some minutes of your time
to explain a bit more in deep what could be done to upgrade NIE?
> For the second question, the Einstein Night convinced me the next
> conference should be in Japan.
> Everybody want the conference in their backyard, which is
> understandable. This is a sufficient argument to organize it in Japan
> as previous conferences were in Europe and in North America. It's
> only fair to rotate between the continents where most Newton users
> live.
After the efforts spent on the WWNC which have taken place in 2004
and 2006
i think that you could have had a successful meeting on almost any
part of the world.
The links below points to the pages i've found googling about the
Einstein night.
[Each page has been trasnlated from japanese to english using google
Kind regards,
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