Hash: SHA1
De-top-posted for my sanity.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
> [mailto:newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net] On Behalf Of Frank Gruendel
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:21 PM
> To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
> Subject: [NTLK] Email address posting
>> Here's his e-mail...
> Argh...
> please do NOT post my (or any other people's) email address in the
> body of a
> NewtonTalk message. It'll be there for address searching robots to
> find
> forever after. I'm getting enough spam as it is. A good strategy is
> to post
> it somewhat like that...
> mxxexx@pda-soft.de (remove all occurences of the letter "x")
> me at pda-soft.de
On Jun 20, 2006, at 23.30, Paul Curtis wrote:
> Hmmm, never knew that. Sorry to cause any inconvenience... Wouldn't
> the
> algorithm pick up the pda-soft.de anyway? Maybe .pda-soft@de or
> something
> else more cryptic?
The point is that if the e-mail address is me at pda-soft.de, and you
use mxxexx@pda-soft.de, then when the 'bot picks up mxxexx@pda-
soft.de, it'll send mail to a non-existant mailing address. They do
the same thing on Slashdot, except they're a little more creative
about it, like
kichiEdgarAlanPoegai@comcast.net minus famous poet. Or they'll put
the address in backwards. It's common practice. The idea is that the
bot doesn't get his/her REAL address. That's all that matters.
> Anyway, sorry about that.
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