Matt is a great guy and he did my emate hinge repair. Works great. He turned it around it like a day or two. He is a very valuable asset to this community.
Paul Curtis is in Grand Rapids and he does the loaner card program.
I am in Bloomfield Hills.
There is a strong Newton community here and Matt and Paul are great supporter. Welcome back!
Bob Adamson
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Owen <>
Sent: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:20:29 -0500
Subject: [NTLK] New eMate owner- Hinge repair, and more...
Hello all!
I'm in Lansing, Michigan, USA. I'm re-joining the ranks of Newton
owners with my recent purchase of an eMate 300. I used to have an
older-model Newton (120? I don't remember) but since I was a PC user
back then, I got limited use from the Newton. I've since switched to
Mac, and after my 1-year-old PowerBook display stopped working (about a
month after the warranty expired, and I forgot to buy AppleCare!
D'oh!) I decided I needed a cheap portable solution. Repairs on the
PowerBook display would cost at least $700 and so I'm happy using it as
a desktop computer right now. The eMate seemed like a great choice for
a portable that would help me to write the great American novel.
I'm a little concerned, since I went through Wegener for the
eMate. I doubt they've done the hinge repair on the ones they're
selling, and I hear they use a generic AC adapter- Should I look for a
genuine Newton AC adapter? Supposedly, the battery I'm getting is a new
I'm considering doing the hinge repair. I used to build PCs, but
that doesn't involve soldering or bending, and I've never needed an
anvil for it (and I don't own one) so I'm hesitant to do it myself.
Perhaps I will avail myself of Matt K.'s services since he's not too
far away, and shipping can't be too bad to go to Detroit from here (or
maybe even driving would be OK). Either way, I agree that the hinge
repair should be done. I want my new writing companion to remain in
working order!
I may also have need of the Loaner Card. I have a USB-to-Serial
adapter coming (Belkin), but I'm not 100% confident in the chances of
it working for this purpose. I'll let you know how it works when it
gets here.
I also have the 4MB upgrade on the way. I figure I might as well
max it out now, and get everything I can out of this. It's meant to be
a replacement for a PowerBook, after all! I don't imagine doing
anything too complex on it, but I'd like to be able to browse the web
for research while on the go, and I want to ensure that my writing
isn't interrupted by lag. Also coming for my eMate is a wireless card
(WaveLAN? I dunno. I bought it from an eMate-specific dealer) and some
serial cables (I threw out tons of these years ago. It just goes to
show you. . .)
Anyway, I want to thank the Newton community for being so great!
I've done lots of research, and it really seems bottomless! There are
so many helpful people here, that it makes me proud to join the ranks
of Newtondom. You really make this one of the best communities out
So, Matt K.-- are you still doing the hinge repair for $20, and
what kind of turnaround time can you manage, if you are? I'd be
interested in doing this before I get too involved in using the eMate.
Thanks, everybody!
Keyth Owen
Lansing, MI
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