Re: [NTLK] Ten years later, oregano is in the air

From: Marcus Hammerschmitt <>
Date: Fri Mar 03 2006 - 11:55:49 EST

At 08:48 03.03.2006, you wrote:
>Wow! So reminescent of the ancient "Who is Newton" ads!

My point exactly. I'm no Anti-Microsoft zealot, far from it.
In fact I'm pretty content with my XP-machine's performance
at the moment, both in terms of Newton connectivity and
general reliability etc. But to just replicate a 1993 (?) Newton
ad to introduce a 2006 product is so cheap. Of course,
they'll get away with this. Of course, nobody will care where
their ideas came from. Yes, they might have a decent product
at their hands. I'd very much like to see Apple come
up with something better. "In 1997 we brought you Origami,
only that we named it MP 2001. Look what we bring you
ten years later."




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Received on Fri Mar 3 11:56:15 2006

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