On 3/4/06, Donald Beirdneau <donaldb@mac.com> wrote:
> What other Newton forums are available to answer my questions? I
> desperately need to restore my Newton.
> Donald
Let me make this suggestion by what you wrote. Others may chime in with a
similar solution.
1) take into consideration that you have one or more backup on different
cards using the built-in back up feature which backs up to a memory card.
2) if you are able to use a different Newton or you don't have a problem
losing data on your
current Newton you can do a selective Restore from the BackUp you have
Using this option you can at least restore your contact, calendar and other
system info AND leave your applications not loaded... if this helps...
I'm not sure if you can selectively restore applications, but I think this
is possible... a bit tied up with childcare at this moment and unable to get
to a spare Newton or Card with a Restore to test it out on...
I'm pretty sure someone with more time and a much more lucid brain functions
can answer this better than I at this moment... HTH though
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Sat Mar 4 20:43:23 2006
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