Marcus Hammerschmitt wrote:
> At 03:05 11.03.2006, you wrote:
>>Adriano (et al),
>>Dave's not the only one...look here:
>>(Tiny version: )
> Not too impressed though by calling a 1997 device an "Apple’s 1993
> Newton pictured here." Keeping it real might actually help in getting
nonononnononno you missing the point, with enough f those pesky little
things around you have your very own mesh, hehm heha ya know. just think
you can have your own compiler or rendering farm and all for FREE!!!
need more cycles? just walk into a bigger crowd. hey it does run
'regular' pc apps and it's a 'regular' pc os. so a buffer overflow here,
a mislaid bounds checker there and tada you've got your very own mobile
attack, uh I mean compute mesh.
STOP thinking negative about it as a comparison to the best ever
handheld device (i'm not going to call my newt a pda as it's more like a
PDS portable data secretary) and instead think of it as what it is a
whole bunch of always on free cpu cycles.
think outside the hypercube.
-- special knowledge can be a terrible disadvantage if it leads you too far along a path that you cannot explain anymore. mentat admonition -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: on Sat Mar 11 21:28:13 2006
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