L.W. Brown wrote:
> I agree that KN's description of his item (or at least the set from
> which it comes) sounds different from (more inclusive than) the video
> disk I was helping to distribute...
ok that's good as I was still trying to get a hold of the set from the
ntlk list and just thought it odd that they'd be for sale to anyone
before I'd gotten a chance to get them from here. woowha that's a run on
sentence if I never saw one.
PS I'm still burning and mailing the sw dvd, so if you've requested one
from me please be patient, I haven't forgotten you. the post office and
my schedules just don't have as many cross over points as I'd like.
> On 21. Mar, 2006, at 0:29, Dan Lingman wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure that these are not the newton dvd's that have been
>> migrating around the world.
>> The newton ones have one DVD of video, as opposed to five, and I'm
>> pretty sure that they don't bother with all the gory details of
>> where apple came from.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> http://tinyurl.com/ewjx3
>> http://tinyurl.com/kgxu2
>> I was under a different impression concerning these DVD's
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