On 3/29/06, James Fraser <fast_fierce_and_funny@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sonny Hung <sonnyhung_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> >I would venture to guess that the runner keys underneath (possibly
> >silicone rubber mat of keys) are drying out (it's lost it's moisture -
> >but can they be re-hydrated again?)... and because of this they are
> >harder and don't giev so much when you press on the actual key caps...
> Hmmmmm. Somehow, I'm not so sure that "drying out" is something that
> afflicts membrane-type keyboards. If that were the case, you'd have a
> Godzillion people complaining about their regular desktop keyboards drying
> out and stiffening up over time. If anything, I would think that a keyboard
> would tend to loosen up over time and become less stiff. [shrugs]
Have you ever seem an example of the membrane material that's (New but
old stock or just plain Old) dried up? I use to open up everything and
I'd find that items with these membrane sheets in them sometime had
started to dry-out or were really dried out and would crack.
I can't say for sure about the ones in the Newton Keyboard, but from
my recollection when I purchased and used one (NEW) back in 1998 they
were a lot softer to the touch then they are now. I have a few and one
is extremely stiff when pressing the keys... I based my guess on this
experience... but I of course could be wrong since I'm no scientist...
For use with my PC though I prefer an IBM Model 'M'. The one I'm
typing on right now dates back to 06JUN87... and I've got maybe (5) in
total in my small collection.
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Wed Mar 29 09:44:35 2006
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