Hopefully someone can help me out here. After a long time battling
with other, superior PDAs I've come back to the Newton, but in the
meantime I've upgraded my Mac.
I have a Newton 2100 complete with its original Apple serial cable.
My main machine is a G5 iMac running 10.4 and OS9. I have a working
USB -> Serial cable which appears under 10.4's network options. The
Newton is connected to the Mac via the two serial cables.
I've got NCU installed under OS9 and I've switched on Appletalk in OS9.
When I start NCU and choose [Preferences...] the only connectivity
option is Appletalk, this box is checked.
I open Dock on the Newton and choose [Appletalk]; I then choose
[Other computer] - the chooser just sits there and does not find my
I've tried [Serial] from the Newton's Dock and that tends to reset my
Newton; back on the Mac if I uncheck the [Appletalk] option in NCU,
the program asks me to set my connection preferences and won't take
any connections.
I can't find any way of configuring Appletalk on the Newton - is
there one hiding somewhere???
So I'm stuck! Obviously Apple once intended mere mortals to connect
their Newtons to Macs via serial, but it's eluding me right now.
Anyone able to help?
Thanks in advance,
PS. I've tried using eScale - but it always crashes when the Newton
connects via Serial (so at least I know the Serial connection works -
sort of!)
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