Since 19 April I am a new user of a Newton computer. My Newton is a Messagepad 120 with Newton OS 2.0 which I bought on EBAY for near 25 euros.
It's great to see how usefull can be this machine knowing that for example a Newton 2000 or a 2100 can do more things and are better. As a former Pocket PC user (I had an Acer N30 which unfortunately someone stolen) I am very impressed about writting in a Newton, the great quality of the OS and how great is the screen. It has still better features than some of last Pocket PC or Palm systems!
Now I am waiting also for a Newton Keyboard :-)
Well... now I have some questions that I have not find any answer in all the Wiki or FAQ I've seen:
1) Where I can find a battery cover? My 120 works great, but it doesn't have battery cover. I've tried on Ebay, but no results...
2) It's possible to find or purchase some programs which are not on UNNA like Quick Figure Pro, some more abandoned software, or new developments for example? It's true that "The last update to the archive was on: March 5, 2004"? I've seen more new and great developments which are newer than this date.
3) How is the real problem of not having Ethernet on 120 or 130 Messagepads? Yes, I know the restrictions of NIE 1.1, but for example, you can use Ethernet even on a MSX computer. I've used Ethernet + IRC on a MSX 2, using simply MSX-DOS and InterNestor Lite (www.konamiman.com). ONly 3,57 Mhz and 128 KB RAM. Do you think that it's important to do Ethernet and new TCP/IP interface for this Newtons?
Finally, hope I will write more here. Newton community is great.
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-- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Wed May 24 16:49:25 2006
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