On Fri, 26 May 2006, James Nichols top-posted:
> On May 26, 2006, at 7:56 PM, Paul Curtis wrote:
>> Do I have to tell the Newton that I connected the keyboard or is
>> something wrong?
> Sort of - the newton will only detect the keyboard if the keyboard is
> connected when you wake the newton from sleep.
> So turn off the newton, hook up the keyboard, and turn it on again
> (or power cycle it after connecting the keybaord) and it should work.
This behaviour is specific to the SER-001 - if you use the serial dongle,
you don't need to power cycle the Newton.
The dongle has special sensing pins to detect when you plug and un-plug
The MessagePad 120 and 130 actually behave the same way as the SER-001
because the MiniDIN 9 connector doesn't have any sense pins.
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