Hi Salva,
Sonny Hung has pictures of his stands at:
You can also use some of the Newton cases for
this purpose. The Newton briefcase works. So
does the Handstand. And then there's the black
denim case with the newton logo. Unfortunately,
it seems like you rarely see these stands and
bettyy at earthlink dot net
At 9:56 PM +0200 5/30/06, Xenon Soft wrote:
>Great! We'll keep in touch. Thanks very much.
>I have also a question, how do you use your
>Newton with keyboard?. It's not very comfortable
>it you are for example typing notes or big texts
>as Newton as far as I know doesn't have a stand
>to put there the computer, for better typing.
>Something like this (sorry for the long URL):
>Salva Perugorrķa
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