On 10/4/2006 3:40 PM, knowtree@aloha.com wrote:
> I had looked and not found. Your tip inspired me to look harder, and I
> found the folder navigation area at the top of the "applications" listing
> page. I clicked on "database" and find what might be a complete,
> unencumbered Notion 1.2. Does that sound right? Can anyone comment how much
> better version 2.0 is or was? I've been using 1.0 all these years, and am
> quite happy with it.
I am not sure if that was a full non time limited version or not. 2.0
had a lot of improvements such as being able to create customized lists
from scratch rather than using the prebuilt template that is close.
There were several other features, and i found this quote on a site:
"Notion 1.5 opens about twice as fast as the old version and you can set
alarms for reminders. It uses heap space much more efficiently now, and
it's integrated with Names so you can link contacts easily with a list.
Most importantly you have the ability to sort your data, which is very
useful. Notion is really a very simple to use end-user database,"
granted this is about 1.5 but that shows you some of the options that
were added with 1.5 and are in 2.0 as well.
Also the Notion 2.0 demo is here which is time limited if I remember
right. If you get a "this is expired" as soon as you start it the first
time, just roll your Newts date back to 1998 or so and it should work.
I remember some people had that issue with the demo.
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