Re: [NTLK] [OT] Coffee & the Newt [was "Re: 2010?"]

From: Lord Groundhog <>
Date: Fri Sep 01 2006 - 09:49:07 EDT

~~~ On 2006/09/01 01:31, Sonny Hung at wrote ~~~

> On 8/31/06, Lord Groundhog <> wrote:
>> This is another part of the terrible tragedy of not having the use of my
>> "Extras"; I've had to fall back on using other means to time my cafetiere.
>> :(
> Hmm, so Christian,
> Because of this issue you are unable to change the display from
> portrait to landscape then? I assume this since you can not access
> extras right?
> I'm wondering if you were to backup your Newton onto a flash card.
> Then if you had a second flash card which had a backup made of another
> same model Newton (but having the backup made when the Newton was in
> Landscape mode) restoring this backup and all it's settings - I wonder
> how the Digitizer would work - would it still be that off on the lower
> half of the screen to just the right portion of the screen now that
> it's in landscape mode.
> Not sure if you have tried this before but I would be interested in
> knowing the results before you have any attempt made at fixing
> anything such as cleaning the contacts or the debris under the lip...
> I've not followed this thread too closely so if you have mentioned
> this before I likely have missed it totally... but was just thinking
> aloud...
> Sorry for the digression back to the alignment issue..
> Oh and back to the current topic of this thread... coffee is not my
> preferred drink of choice. I now prefer Ice Green Tea with Mango
> Extract and Tapioca Balls...

Hi Sonny,

I'm no longer sure when I'm on-topic and when I'm off-topic with this one.

You are right; I can't rotate the display.

I have to say, I'm not 100% sure what kind of backup that would back up all
the settings as well as my data.

Also, I'm a bit short on storage card space so I'm looking at getting
another card or two before I do anything as critical as I imagine what you
suggest could be.

As for what may or may not be the topic of this particular thread -- I'm
lost now -- your preference sounds really interesting, and if my travels
ever take me wherever you are, you can introduce me to the finer points of
making and drinking green tea with mango extract and tapioca balls. In
return, I'll introduce you to one of the many varieties of Mediterranean
coffee if you like.


~~~ ~~~ ~~~

łAny sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a NewtonPad.˛
            -- in appreciation of Arthur C. Clarke
(With thanks to Chod Lang)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

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Received on Fri Sep 1 09:49:16 2006

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