Hello Andre`s:
Thank you. I for one greatly appreciate your efforts in seeking to develop an
improved Newton-to-PC synchronization GUI interface! Please allow me to play
the role of critic:
I'm not certain exactly WHAT improvements are gained by this. Granted, I only
briefly viewed the beta testing software, before the error messages
(something about incorrect serial port). The only REAL difference (from NCU) I saw was
that the user can view additional information about transferred files. How
about permitting the transfer of Newton info to different PC formats? Quickfigure
Works directly to various Microsoft formats?
At this time, I don't see the value in ponying up $35-45 bucks for this
software. Then again, maybe I'm not seeing some important benefit that this
software brings. I would appreciate if somebody could enlighten me as to the benefits
of using this synching software. perhaps a detailed Read Me file would
clarify these pints further...
This might be a whole other software issue, but what about some kind of sync
like Avantgo offers for other PDA platforms? Not all of us have Apple
computers or dial up connections. RAISSA is useless to the non-internet enabled
Newton. I'd like to grab internet content on my desktop pc, hook up my Newton, and
then take the internet content with me on the go (I can currently do this with
MS ActiveSync and Avantgo for the Pam or Pocket PC. Why not for the Newton as
I am nonetheless pleased to find that a member of the Newton Community has
not forgotten about PC users! Seems like so much is out there for Apple people
to sync up. Heck, half the time I don't know what folks are talking about...
NSync? IC/VC? What the $#@%?!
Keep on developing, Andre`s and good luck with your efforts.
Best regards,
Matt K.
Detroit, Michigan USA
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