On 9/13/2006 2:52 PM, Will Ross wrote:
> Don't Forget that there are 2 print packs. One is a normal package,
> and the other is a special cable (serial<=>parallel)that loads them
> up somehow.
> -Will
Yes true, but to print directly to a printer (without a desktop) you
need both (except perhaps with a eithernet printer). The actual Newton
Print Pack cable has the drivers built into it and when you hook up your
newton it checks to see if the driver is on your newt and if not it
automatically installs the software package (called GDTPrintDriver in
your extras).
There are some basic cables around (I forget the name but I am sure a
Mac user on this list can give the specific name) that will connect your
Newt to a printer, but don't have the driver software package on a chip
installed in the cable. And in this case you need to install the print
pack software separately (which is like any other package file). Also
there are some version 1.0 of this cable that don't have all the drivers
that version 2.0 has on the chip however you can install the 2.0 driver
package from UNNA with a version 1.0 of the cable without any problem.
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