Lots of folks are giving their praise for this new Windows-friendly
synchronization software.
I'm also happy, if for no other reason than because SOMEBODY is thinking
about Newton users with PC desktops and laptops. Some of us buy into the Cult of
Mac only so far...
I am still waiting, somewhat perplexed and impatiently, for the developer
folks to spell out the ADVANTAGES to this new Window GUI synching software
(Perplexed because nobody has really said much to describe the wondrous
advantages). What's the story?
Okay, so I've heard one person comment it will be more reliable than NCU. In
what ways? Sounds so far like it's the same as NCU, EXCEPT you will be able to
synch via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet. That's nice enough, I suppose, but
what else does it do? Does it allow Newton synchs to specific data types on
the PC side of the equation? Direct synch to print? Direct synch to .PDF?
PowerPoint? Access? Photoshop? MS Project? Is it going to be a licensed Windows
platform developer tool kit that other software designers can then build upon to
add more features? What?
My suggestion is that the features should be pointed out. Otherwise, I can
not see a reason to plunk down $35-45 dollars for the software license.
Valuable, relevant input only, please!
Matt K.
Detroit, Michigan USA
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