Im not sure this could be done there is an app out there called scratch pad
(vinyl simulator)
I have used it and it has a Virtual turntable scratch device It is fun to
play with.
But it has a lot of lag between control and audio. You should look at it
maybe to
get a feel of hardware limitations.
Is there a developer out there who could make a software allowing
> DJ-
> style mixing of music tracks on the Newton? Currently, not even the
> iPod offers this, except one must purchase a second piece of hardware
> (and a second iPod) for an additional several hundred US$. But on a
> Newton, it would ideally be self-contained, have audio output (using
> the dongle?), and the big screen (in landscape) would be great for
> showing two virtual turntables spinning the two songs, fading tracks
> in and out, add "scratching" the needles, etc.
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