Re: [NTLK] Giving the Newton some USB lovin' (long'n'winded!) [Related topic, off in another direction]

From: Randy Glenn <>
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 14:05:51 EDT

All of the devices you've mentioned are USB Device Controllers. USB
Host Controllers are immensely scary to develop, and there simply
aren't that many of them out there (I think you'll find most devices
that have a USB host have some sort of PCI bus as well)

Beyond that, a USB stack would have to be implemented on the Newton.
That's a whole other level of scary.

I don't think that having the Newton as a USB host is ever going to
happen on existing hardware. Any such work would probably involve some
other platform doing the heavy lifting, and Einstein taking advantage
of it.


On 9/27/06, Alex Perez <> wrote:
> As a follow-up to my previous connectivity e-mail, I should also state
> that I firmly believe a longer-term approach to this connectivity issue
> is to devise a way to get proper USB ports functioning on the Newton.
> This is probably only practical at USB 1.0 Low-speed rates, but perhaps
> not. Can anyone comment on this?
(Snipped due to Ecartis stupidity)
> Keep on truckin, (heh)
> Alex Perez
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-Randy Glenn
Computer Eng. and Mgt. Year V, McMaster University
Regional Student Representative, IEEE Canada - -
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Received on Wed Sep 27 14:05:57 2006

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