> Thanks, the fact that the serial port supports rs-422 is pretty well
> known/obvious to us old timers that use/used the serial port to hook
> to Appletalk over serial networks, since this is exactly how Apple
> did that (ie rs-422).
> Personally while I think Adam's internal serial to USB item is a
> great addition to our arsenal, I have so many old computers that
> serial ports are quite available ;~)
> Marty
Well, it's a noob getting into the discussion, so beware that I probably
will not know what I am talking about.
Though I agree that a USB bridge appears to bring the MP closer to the 21st
century, I am not sure that I would get the mod. While I have been trying
to get my Newton brain back on track with a recent purchase of a 2000, my
laptop, being newer, has no serial. I ended up purchasing a Belkin Serial
to USB adapter.
It works like a charm.
Just a thought. Native bridge still reduces clutter of cables and doesn't
require a driver to be installed on the pc for the converter.
Anyway - thought I would throw that out.
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