On Sep 27, 2006, at 8:30 PM, Alex Perez wrote:
> Colin Pate wrote:
>> What I would really like is if it could connect to USB thumb
>> drives. That
>> would be really great.
> Exactly. I agree completely. It would significantly increase the
> ability
> to upgrade one's newton.
No, it wouldn't. I think that storage is actually highly over rated
on the Newton. It's not a platform for music or high resolution
images with a few exceptions.
I have been using my 2100 for years , and still have plenty of
space available on the 20Meg linear flash card that is my daily
driver. This includes many documents going back to my MP120 (7+ years).
It sounds attractive to have gigabytes of storage, but it isn't
really that useful on Newton, as it turns out... GPS maps might be
one exception I suppose.
my 2c US,
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