In my first message, I should have ask why do Intel would use Safari
Icon on a Unix OS. I hate Intel 20 secondes to boot, I agree this has
to be change.
The future Newton always end-up making me think a little bit more
about what Apple could.
Maybe one day, I will start another thread about feature we would
like to see in a future Apple Portable Device.
Recently, Steve Wozniac was in Montreal and he hint at what he would
like to have in a pocket computer.
On 07-04-17, at 04:07, Joel M. Sciamma wrote:
> As the iPhone and Apple TV make abundantly clear, Mac OS X is the
> future for any and all portable devices from Apple
> [snip]
Yes, you are right. I had forgot about that.
It is nice to know that Newton Handwriting Recognition can easily be
activated in 10.4. It is not Newton OS but is it a beginning.
Open Doc had some features that could a be little bit like those in
Newton OS.
> Even simple plagiarism would be a good start!
> [snip]
Apple always refused to license Newton OS to others. Maybe if they
make another portable device, they would be more interested but we
would have to wait if the new OS has some interesting features.
On 07-04-17, at 06:35, Tony Kan wrote:
> Bear with me if I've got my facts wrong. But many years ago
> Windows 1.0 came
> along almost as a shell program for DOS ie. it was just a pretty
> front end to an
> ugly and relatively difficult user interface. Sure it took a
> couple of versions
> before it became truly popular but the concept I'm trying to
> communicate is that
> someone could build a decent user interface on top of an already
> existing OS to
> provide quite a different and much better user experience.
> [snip]
I have to agree with you. Even in the beginning of OS X I tend to go
back to OS 9 very often. Recently I had to go back to OS 9 to try
things for the Newton and I now much prefer OS X. Maybe they can't
add to OS X some of the functionality of the Newton OS mix with some
totally new one.
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