Re: [NTLK] MP / Palm TX

From: Steven Frank <>
Date: Mon Aug 13 2007 - 17:54:57 EDT

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On Aug 13, 2007, at 1:19 PM, Scott Rogers wrote:

> I've been round and round with all this for so long. I'm after what
> Merlin Mann calls "the perfect apostrophe," I think. I had a Palm.
> Then I had a Newton. Then I had a Palm. Then I had an iPaq. Then I
> had a Palm. Now I have a Newton, a Palm T5, and an iPaq 1945.

Oh man, I am the worst at this.

It all started with my OMP in 1993. Then I had Palms, and Pocket
PCs, then paper calendars, then I sold everything, then more Palms,
then more Pocket PCs, and a Sharp Zaurus, and then I bought an MP
2000 off eBay, then a 2100, then a 130, then an eMate, then I sold
everything again and bought Treos and Sony-Ericsson smartphones and
Nokia smartphones and Nokia tablets, and then another dayplanner for
a couple days, and a Tablet PC, and then sold everything and bought a
Sony Micro PC and an iPhone and a......

I wonder if I've used any of them consistently for more than about 2
weeks. Every single device works well except for like 3-5 problems
that, of course, some other device offers, except it has its own 3-5
problems, and so on.

The insane thing is, I know I'm doing this circular thing, and I just
KEEP DOING IT. Seriously, I need professional help.

I'm convinced that if I just TRY EVERYTHING that comes out,
eventually there'll be something that does everything I want without
any hitches. Not much luck with that plan over the last 10 years.
(The iPhone's pretty close though. :))

I think it might be time to just shrink down to MacBook Pro + iPhone,
and call it good.

But of course I'm keeping my Newton collection for nostalgia
purposes, and to reminisce about how great it Might Have Been.


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Received on Mon Aug 13 17:54:59 2007

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