Mr. Matt,
Raissa works to a limited degree.
However, it is predicated upon getting the Newton on to a network. I have tried with ethernet, but failed miserably. I have tried crossover cables, regular cables, everything. I don't think my hub wants to speak with my Newton.Years ago when I had a dial-up account, I used that to a limited degree. Very slow and very tedious.
Here is what I envision instead:
You log on to the internet on your desktop, sync up your Newton via serial cable, and download a pre-selected list of news web sites with full text.
An automated server app collects/aggregates the day's news and automatically converts it into a Newton eBook (sort of like a Paperback type of app functionality). You then download the eBook and carry the day's news witrh you on your Newt. The eBooks on the server would, of course, be updated each day.
I really wish somebody would create this solution -- I would gladly pay money for it, and I think others would, too.
Until something like this comes along, the Pocket PC will be my carry everywhere device, and the Newton will be my spare entertainment device for when I'm hanging out at home.
Best regards,
Matt K.
Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
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