hello all
i have been wondering about MAD Max with music
streams, with just about all of the streams i try i
get a HTTP Error ( error code 404) and wont play them.
however the slay radio music stream ( the one for
broadband) works but is high quality so the sound
breaks up. so i try the one for dialup, guess what ???
i get the HTTP error 404 with that one, but the high
quality one works. i dont understand why.
i wonder why i get this error with just about every
web stream i try???
i can go to a site and if it has a MP3 file to
download i can play it fine using MAD Max. i went to
allot of sites that have free music ( where its made
by a person and not under any copyrights) and it will
play them just fine if the quality is low enough.
what i have seen wile trying to connect to the stream
is when its connecting it gets to receiving headers
and that is where i get the error. but on the slay
radio high quality stream it goes threw the receiving
headers in a blink of a eye and starts to play.
i have tryed to use VLC to stream music but for some
reason the newton will connect without a problem but
wont play sound but will be connected and be
transferring data
i am using a MP 2100 with a lucent wavelan silver.
is there anyway that this can be fixed. cause it gets
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