On Jan 1, 2007, at 5:17 PM, Daniel Lemos wrote:
> I knew I saw something like this elsewhere http://www.mrollins.com/
> newtmerlin.html be sure to read the warning about data corruption,
> and please post more details. Did you had to do the terminal setup
> like in the link above?
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the link! I'll definitely keep an eye on my battery meter
when using the Merlin.
I'm not sure I am using exactly the same card as the author of that
page -- my antenna looks different. Mine has model number NRM-
G2000. I was told this is the "Merlin G100". It is by Novatel
Wireless, but is branded by VoiceStream.
I did not have to do any of the Terminal commands mentioned on the
page. I made a Serial internet setup, and used my login script only,
as described in my previous message.
ATZ resets the modem to its default settings.
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet3.voicestream.com" tells the modem to
configure profile #1 to make an IP connection through the APN
ATDT*99***1# tells the modem to connect to the data service using
profile #1.
T-Mobile assigns me an IP address, however it looks like you do have
to manually enter a DNS server address. For whatever reason, the
Newton didn't seem able to determine it using DHCP.
Let me know what other information you'd like,
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