> Shortly before his book, UFO's Are Real, went to press, he was visited by
> someone and warned that there would be a price to pay. His son was murdered
> shortly thereafter and nobody was ever brought to justice for it. That
> murder is probably the best evidence to support the existence of
> extra-terrestrial INTELLIGENCE, and therefore, life, that we are ever likely
> to obtain in the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately, the fact that his son was murdered doesn't prove or
disprove anything related to extra-terrestrial intelligence. It's
unrelated and circumstantial at best. It may indicate a government
conspiracy and coverup, but who knows. It's speculation.
Note that in my message I was talking about simple extra-terrestrial
life. It's a matter of common chemistry throughout the universe. Whether
or not intelligent life exists elsewhere is a question for the ages.
> No human being is worthy of the title hero... even those we call heroes
> would agree with that. Carl Sagan was as flawed a human as the rest of us,
> albeit smarter than most of us.
A hero is in the eye of the beholder. So quoth dictionary.com:
"a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has
performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal"
Anyone who stands up for science and truth is a hero in my book,
regardless of his or her human flaws.
Also I have to admit that I am somewhat disappointed with
Biography.com...they have more info on Tyra Banks and other entertainers
than they do on Galileo and important scientific pioneers. Although I
did learn that Galileo's work wasn't validated by the Roman Catholic
church until *1993*.
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