On 1/8/07, Grant Hutchinson <grant@splorp.com> wrote:
> Have you tried contacting Hannes Wolf (AKA Cybear), whose images of
> the NotePhone 2 appear in the Newted Gallery? Perhaps Robert Benschop
> has additional contact information, as he orginally helped obtain the
> images from Hannes.
Hi Grant,
No, at the time when I was actively investigating this I contacted Siemens
In addition I was investigating into the Harris SuperTech 2000 and Harris
Access Device (based on a MP2000) which had surfaced on eBay.
I've just shot out an email to Robert to see if there is anything he can do
to put me in contact with Hannes. It's too bad that this device seems to
have been trashed with so little saved. Especially that Siemens seems to not
have saved and documentation at all - it was common practice back then to
just toss things into the garbage dumpster. As they, like Harris never saved
anything relating to their older technology back then. :(
Hey, I re-read the blurb for the Siemens 2000 NotePhone Prototype there and
am wondering if the reference to the 110 NotePhone was a typo or was it
actually called that? Hm, or was there another model in development?
*Siemens 2000 Notephone Prototype*
Germany technology powerhouse, Siemens <http://www.siemens.com/> produced a
model 2000 Notephone as well as the more common 110 Notephone back in the
late 1990's. The model 2000 was either manufactured in a very small quantity
or they were more likely prototypes that were shown at some tradeshows in
Thanks for the insight, it shows how my grey cells are not quite in sync and
need to be error checked more often ;-)
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Mon Jan 8 10:21:45 2007
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