On 11/01/2007, at 3:14 AM, James Grubic wrote:
> There's a possibility that the CD drive on the G4 is defective.
> Try connecting the G4 to the iMac via a FireWire cable, then boot
> the G4
> up in Target mode by pressing T at startup. The G4's drive should
> mount
> as a volume on the iMac. Then try installing the OS onto that drive
> from
> the iMac's CD. If it fails, then you can bet there is a significant OS
> corruption or hard drive error on the G4...put in a new HD, install
> the
> OS, then copy over data from the old drive.
Nah, drive's fine. Standard DVD-ROM that came with the machine. Just
gave it a service last weekend. There are three hard drives in the
G4. I installed osx on another, ran Drive Genius and found the fault,
got out my Disk Warrior 3 CD and repaired and then defragged with
Drive Genius again.
- Adam Goddard
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