On Jan 10, 2007, at 3:47 AM, Gisela Isten wrote:
> Hi Adriano,
>> take a look at this photo of the iPhone's interface
>> http://tinyurl.com/y23h5o
>> Do you agree it's very similar to Newton OS?
> Do you think so? I don't. The screenshot shows Tiger's widgets. So
> what? It's Apple's OS X, after all.
> Actually, I'm not really impressed. Not at all. I would be if this
> device were able to recognize my handwriting like my Newton does. But
> this:
> http://www.spiegel.de/img/0,1020,773613,00.jpg
> is a sad sight to see. An on-screen keyboard -- how banal.
Actually that isn't fair. Yes, I agree that handwriting recognition
will be missed by us Newton folk. The on screen keyboard though
isn't quite as banal as you suggest. David Pogue in the NY Times had
an hour or so hands on with the device and explained that it actually
uses an internal dictionary to look up typed words and does a best
guess of the intended word (sound familiar?).
My wife also looked at the pictures and said "It looks like the
Newton", which I found quite humorous.
I am going to wait and see myself. Perhaps when I can buy a used one
which is unlocked from cingular for about $250 I will be in.
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