I'ld add to this list:
OLED screen instead of ancient LCD technology
easily user replacable battery
I don't see any USB or Firewire connections on the thing...I hope it offers both bluetooth data and audio.
seamless integration for non mac users (ie outlook, office integration)
much, much lower pricepoint.
I can trade in my Blackberry and get a treoM for $150 with a 1 year agreement...That I can justify...$600? No way!
web/gadget guru
Download Newton packages directly onto your Newton: http://newton.tek-ed.com
Wes <wes.frazier@gmail.com> wrote:
Offer model without GSM+EDGE
Give 3rd party's a SDK
Replace flash-storage with micro hard drive if it's cheaper.
Get the price point nearer Palm's LifeDrive
Then I might bite.
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/ Don't You Love Mistyping URL's.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ....when they turn out to be pretty neat. In this case I was trying for Engadget.com, and instead wound up at www.edgadget.com which appears to have lots of Newton software. - ProfessorF from the UK pcpro/macuser forum --------------------------------- Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Wed Jan 10 17:05:40 2007
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