Well, you are probably correct.
Remember, initially the iPod Photo was the only one that was in color
and was able to sync with iPhoto and show your photos.
Now all iPods do that. What apple wants, I believe, is not to
canibalize sales by producing a lot of different models i.e. one with
a phone, one without, one with wifi, one without, etc. This was
happening in the early 90s with their macintosh line and they had a
lot of troubles with their supply-chain. I remember that there were 4
models of the Performa 630 line that existed concurrenlty when I
bought mine in 1994
1. Basic
2. Basic + FPU + CD-ROM
3. Basic + TV Tuner + CD-ROM
4. Basic + CD-ROM
and then of course there were the Quadras, and powermacs, and the
IIxx series...
Just like the macintosh line the iPod line will only have 3-4 models
1. Full
2. Shuffle
3. Mini/Nano
A phone will probably be integrated into the nano line and therefore
you will eventually have:
1. iPhone
2. iPhone nano
3. iPhone shuffle (sort of like the nokia "designer phone" series"
On Jan 13, 2007, at 1:15 PM, jg wrote:
> After watching IPhone presentation on apple.com I am sure that IPhone
> will kill Ipod not Newton.
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