Re: [NTLK] Long shot: Anyone using Blunt with T-Mobile and a K750i?

From: Zachery Bir <>
Date: Thu Jan 18 2007 - 19:09:25 EST

On Jan 18, 2007, at 7:04 PM, Steven Frank wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2007, at 2:00 PM, Zachery Bir wrote:
>> My CID is 5 (at least that's what my MacBook and my MacBook Pro use
>> for bluetooth dialup), so my login script is:
>> Send: AT+CGDCONT=5,"IP",""
>> Send: ¶
>> Wait For: OK
>> Send: ATD*99#
>> Send: ¶
>> Wait For: CONNECT
>> Done
>> It goes through the motions, but my phone reports disconnected.
> You might try changing your dial command to specifically use CID 5,
> if that's what's configured on the phone:
> ATD*99***5#

I've done pretty much every permutation I can think of of the example
scripts in wikiwikinewt.

> Failing that, turn on the "show script activity" checkbox -- how far
> does it get?

I'll give that a try and see how far we get.


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Received on Thu Jan 18 19:10:21 2007

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