I am investigating how to get Notes transferred from my MP2100 to my Unix
workstation. I have gotten unixnpi working, but that only installs packages
going the other way. I looked at newtl; the C code does not come close to
compiling, but the minimalist GUI interface written in tcl/tk displays
nicely. Next I tried newtonlink and almost have that working. The problem I
see with it is that it is designed to work with KDE, and I use Gnome. Both
use sloup, which I installed with unixnpi.
Here is my question. In my mucking about I see where transferring selected
Notes from the Newton to the PC is not typically done. It appears that
these developers were thinking along the lines of a full dump -- transfer
everything then take what you want. I want to select this note and that
note from the MP, then transfer just those. Is there a way to do that over
a serial link? I'm not looking for specific code, just reassurance that it
can be done and maybe a hint how I would go about it.
Gary Dunn
MP110, MP2100
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