Regarding that message...
I was contacted off-list in order to test if windows basilisk could
synchronize reliably and if that was the case, copy the configuration.
On three different instalations, I got different grades of success under
the same configuration, always using a native RS-232 that PC's still
sport. I think the problem is more related to windows serial drivers
than the emulator itself. That is very probably the same issue on mac:
defective serial drivers. Under linux works nearly perfectly because
Unix doesn't provide an "interface" for serial, instead providing a RAW
serial port so you can send whatever you need (critical for terminal and
programming, I guess). Windows provides a sort of interface: you cannot
send RAW information to COM ports anymore. Instead, you rely that
windows will send to the serial port something as similar as possible to
the data you wanted to send. Same happens with network interfaces.
That's why you need to install "drivers" to emulate ethernet under
basilisk for windows.
And, to the person that contacted me offline: sorry I didn't contacted
you again, but my newton broke again and I'm not purchasing another one,
so I won't be able to further the research. I started using paper again,
that provides near 100% character recognition, advanced "as much colors
as you have" antialiased graphics, and more or less the same sync
capabilities that my newton had. Only thing I miss is the ability to
convert my scrawls into text. ^^
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