[NTLK] A big thanks....

From: Richard Henderson <richard_at_reversesnowplow.com>
Date: Wed Jul 18 2007 - 20:04:56 EDT

Okay, so I just wanted to apologize for being a tad presumptuous in my
previous thread.
Like most of us, I spend a lot of time on the net, and I'm used to a lot of
people in newsgroups, bb's, etc... going out of their way to be snarky or
saying things like "OMG USE GOOGLE:.
Every single reply I've received has been kind, informative and fantastic.

What a classy group.

Look forward to contributing in whatever way I can.


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Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
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Received on Wed Jul 18 20:04:59 2007

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